Isaiah 7:17

7:17 The Lord will bring on you, your people, and your father’s family a time unlike any since Ephraim departed from Judah – the king of Assyria!”

Isaiah 22:23

22:23 I will fasten him like a peg into a solid place; he will bring honor and respect to his father’s family.

Isaiah 38:19

38:19 The living person, the living person, he gives you thanks,

as I do today.

A father tells his sons about your faithfulness.

Isaiah 39:7

39:7 ‘Some of your very own descendants whom you father will be taken away and will be made eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon.’”

Isaiah 45:10

45:10 Danger awaits one who says to his father,

“What in the world are you fathering?”

and to his mother,

“What in the world are you bringing forth?”

Isaiah 64:8

64:8 Yet, Lord, you are our father.

We are the clay, and you are our potter;

we are all the product of your labor.