Isaiah 5:15

5:15 Men will be humiliated,

they will be brought low;

the proud will be brought low.

Isaiah 10:28

10:28 They attacked Aiath,

moved through Migron,

depositing their supplies at Micmash.

Isaiah 14:7

14:7 The whole earth rests and is quiet;

they break into song.

Isaiah 23:5

23:5 When the news reaches Egypt,

they will be shaken by what has happened to Tyre.

Isaiah 24:9

24:9 They no longer sing and drink wine;

the beer tastes bitter to those who drink it.

Isaiah 26:3

26:3 You keep completely safe the people who maintain their faith,

for they trust in you.

Isaiah 27:5

27:5 unless they became my subjects

and made peace with me;

let them make peace with me.

Isaiah 28:10

28:10 Indeed, they will hear meaningless gibberish,

senseless babbling,

a syllable here, a syllable there.

Isaiah 33:4

33:4 Your plunder disappears as if locusts were eating it;

they swarm over it like locusts!

Isaiah 40:17

40:17 All the nations are insignificant before him;

they are regarded as absolutely nothing.

Isaiah 41:5-6

41:5 The coastlands see and are afraid;

the whole earth trembles;

they approach and come.

41:6 They help one another;

one says to the other, ‘Be strong!’

Isaiah 43:21

43:21 the people whom I formed for myself,

so they might praise me.”

Isaiah 44:4

44:4 They will sprout up like a tree in the grass,

like poplars beside channels of water.

Isaiah 45:16

45:16 They will all be ashamed and embarrassed;

those who fashion idols will all be humiliated.

Isaiah 57:2

57:2 Those who live uprightly enter a place of peace;

they rest on their beds.

Isaiah 58:2

58:2 They seek me day after day;

they want to know my requirements,

like a nation that does what is right

and does not reject the law of their God.

They ask me for just decrees;

they want to be near God.

Isaiah 66:4

66:4 So I will choose severe punishment for them;

I will bring on them what they dread,

because I called, and no one responded,

I spoke and they did not listen.

They did evil before me;

they chose to do what displeases me.”