Isaiah 5:11

5:11 Those who get up early to drink beer are as good as dead,

those who keep drinking long after dark

until they are intoxicated with wine.

Isaiah 29:1

Ariel is Besieged

29:1 Ariel is as good as dead –

Ariel, the town David besieged!

Keep observing your annual rituals,

celebrate your festivals on schedule.

Isaiah 62:6

62:6 I post watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem;

they should keep praying all day and all night.

You who pray to the Lord, don’t be silent!

Isaiah 65:4

65:4 They sit among the tombs

and keep watch all night long.

They eat pork,

and broth from unclean sacrificial meat is in their pans.

Isaiah 65:6

65:6 Look, I have decreed:

I will not keep silent, but will pay them back;

I will pay them back exactly what they deserve,