Isaiah 21:1

The Lord Will Judge Babylon

21:1 Here is a message about the Desert by the Sea:

Like strong winds blowing in the south,

one invades from the desert,

from a land that is feared.

Isaiah 23:11

23:11 The Lord stretched out his hand over the sea,

he shook kingdoms;

he gave the order

to destroy Canaan’s fortresses.

Isaiah 43:16

43:16 This is what the Lord says,

the one who made a road through the sea,

a pathway through the surging waters,

Isaiah 48:18

48:18 If only you had obeyed my commandments,

prosperity would have flowed to you like a river,

deliverance would have come to you like the waves of the sea.

Isaiah 51:15

51:15 I am the Lord your God,

who churns up the sea so that its waves surge.

The Lord who commands armies is his name!

Isaiah 57:20

57:20 But the wicked are like a surging sea

that is unable to be quiet;

its waves toss up mud and sand.