Isaiah 2:22

2:22 Stop trusting in human beings,

whose life’s breath is in their nostrils.

For why should they be given special consideration?

Isaiah 5:22

5:22 Those who are champions at drinking wine are as good as dead,

who display great courage when mixing strong drinks.

Isaiah 21:13-14

The Lord Will Judge Arabia

21:13 Here is a message about Arabia:

In the thicket of Arabia you spend the night,

you Dedanite caravans.

21:14 Bring out some water for the thirsty.

You who live in the land of Tema,

bring some food for the fugitives.

Isaiah 22:1

The Lord Will Judge Jerusalem

22:1 Here is a message about the Valley of Vision:

What is the reason

that all of you go up to the rooftops?

Isaiah 25:3

25:3 So a strong nation will extol you;

the towns of powerful nations will fear you.

Isaiah 33:7

33:7 Look, ambassadors cry out in the streets;

messengers sent to make peace weep bitterly.

Isaiah 37:31

37:31 Those who remain in Judah will take root in the ground and bear fruit.

Isaiah 41:8

The Lord Encourages His People

41:8 “You, my servant Israel,

Jacob whom I have chosen,

offspring of Abraham my friend,

Isaiah 41:29

41:29 Look, all of them are nothing,

their accomplishments are nonexistent;

their metal images lack any real substance.

Isaiah 45:22

45:22 Turn to me so you can be delivered,

all you who live in the earth’s remote regions!

For I am God, and I have no peer.

Isaiah 46:5

46:5 To whom can you compare and liken me?

Tell me whom you think I resemble, so we can be compared!

Isaiah 46:12

46:12 Listen to me, you stubborn people,

you who distance yourself from doing what is right.

Isaiah 54:7

54:7 “For a short time I abandoned you,

but with great compassion I will gather you.

Isaiah 56:9

The Lord Denounces Israel’s Paganism

56:9 All you wild animals in the fields, come and devour,

all you wild animals in the forest!

Isaiah 66:3

66:3 The one who slaughters a bull also strikes down a man;

the one who sacrifices a lamb also breaks a dog’s neck;

the one who presents an offering includes pig’s blood with it;

the one who offers incense also praises an idol.

They have decided to behave this way;

they enjoy these disgusting practices.