Isaiah 15:9

15:9 Indeed, the waters of Dimon are full of blood!

Indeed, I will heap even more trouble on Dimon.

A lion will attack the Moabite fugitives

and the people left in the land.

Isaiah 22:2

22:2 The noisy city is full of raucous sounds;

the town is filled with revelry.

Your slain were not cut down by the sword;

they did not die in battle.

Isaiah 24:23

24:23 The full moon will be covered up,

the bright sun will be darkened;

for the Lord who commands armies will rule

on Mount Zion in Jerusalem

in the presence of his assembly, in majestic splendor.

Isaiah 51:22

51:22 This is what your sovereign master, the Lord your God, says:

“Look, I have removed from your hand

the cup of intoxicating wine,

the goblet full of my anger.

You will no longer have to drink it.

Isaiah 65:7

65:7 for your sins and your ancestors’ sins,” says the Lord.

“Because they burned incense on the mountains

and offended me on the hills,

I will punish them in full measure.”