Isaiah 13:3

13:3 I have given orders to my chosen soldiers;

I have summoned the warriors through whom I will vent my anger,

my boasting, arrogant ones.

Isaiah 27:3

27:3 I, the Lord, protect it;

I water it regularly.

I guard it night and day,

so no one can harm it.

Isaiah 29:3

29:3 I will lay siege to you on all sides;

I will besiege you with troops;

I will raise siege works against you.

Isaiah 38:10-11

38:10 “I thought,

‘In the middle of my life I must walk through the gates of Sheol,

I am deprived of the rest of my years.’

38:11 “I thought,

‘I will no longer see the Lord in the land of the living,

I will no longer look on humankind with the inhabitants of the world.

Isaiah 38:15

38:15 What can I say?

He has decreed and acted.

I will walk slowly all my years because I am overcome with grief.

Isaiah 43:5

43:5 Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.

From the east I will bring your descendants;

from the west I will gather you.

Isaiah 45:5-6

45:5 I am the Lord, I have no peer,

there is no God but me.

I arm you for battle, even though you do not recognize me.

45:6 I do this so people will recognize from east to west

that there is no God but me;

I am the Lord, I have no peer.

Isaiah 48:11-12

48:11 For my sake alone I will act,

for how can I allow my name to be defiled?

I will not share my glory with anyone else!

48:12 Listen to me, O Jacob,

Israel, whom I summoned!

I am the one;

I am present at the very beginning

and at the very end.

Isaiah 49:4

49:4 But I thought, “I have worked in vain;

I have expended my energy for absolutely nothing.”

But the Lord will vindicate me;

my God will reward me.

Isaiah 57:18

57:18 I have seen their behavior,

but I will heal them and give them rest,

and I will once again console those who mourn.

Isaiah 61:8

61:8 For I, the Lord, love justice

and hate robbery and sin.

I will repay them because of my faithfulness;

I will make a permanent covenant with them.

Isaiah 65:6

65:6 Look, I have decreed:

I will not keep silent, but will pay them back;

I will pay them back exactly what they deserve,