Isaiah 12:1

12:1 At that time you will say:

“I praise you, O Lord,

for even though you were angry with me,

your anger subsided, and you consoled me.

Isaiah 21:8

21:8 Then the guard cries out:

“On the watchtower, O sovereign master,

I stand all day long;

at my post

I am stationed every night.

Isaiah 26:15

26:15 You have made the nation larger, O Lord,

you have made the nation larger and revealed your splendor,

you have extended all the borders of the land.

Isaiah 26:17

26:17 As when a pregnant woman gets ready to deliver

and strains and cries out because of her labor pains,

so were we because of you, O Lord.

Isaiah 37:20

37:20 Now, O Lord our God, rescue us from his power, so all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you alone are the Lord.”

Isaiah 38:16

38:16 O sovereign master, your decrees can give men life;

may years of life be restored to me.

Restore my health and preserve my life.’

Isaiah 47:5

47:5 “Sit silently! Go to a hiding place,

O daughter of the Babylonians!

Indeed, you will no longer be called ‘Queen of kingdoms.’

Isaiah 48:12

48:12 Listen to me, O Jacob,

Israel, whom I summoned!

I am the one;

I am present at the very beginning

and at the very end.

Isaiah 54:11

54:11 “O afflicted one, driven away, and unconsoled!

Look, I am about to set your stones in antimony

and I lay your foundation with lapis-lazuli.

Isaiah 62:6

62:6 I post watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem;

they should keep praying all day and all night.

You who pray to the Lord, don’t be silent!