Isaiah 1:31

1:31 The powerful will be like a thread of yarn,

their deeds like a spark;

both will burn together,

and no one will put out the fire.

Isaiah 5:9

5:9 The Lord who commands armies told me this:

“Many houses will certainly become desolate,

large, impressive houses will have no one living in them.

Isaiah 7:8

7:8 For Syria’s leader is Damascus,

and the leader of Damascus is Rezin.

Within sixty-five years Ephraim will no longer exist as a nation.

Isaiah 13:14

13:14 Like a frightened gazelle

or a sheep with no shepherd,

each will turn toward home,

each will run to his homeland.

Isaiah 13:18

13:18 Their arrows will cut young men to ribbons;

they have no compassion on a person’s offspring,

they will not look with pity on children.

Isaiah 14:8

14:8 The evergreens also rejoice over your demise,

as do the cedars of Lebanon, singing,

‘Since you fell asleep,

no woodsman comes up to chop us down!’

Isaiah 15:6

15:6 For the waters of Nimrim are gone;

the grass is dried up,

the vegetation has disappeared,

and there are no plants.

Isaiah 17:8

17:8 They will no longer trust in the altars their hands made,

or depend on the Asherah poles and incense altars their fingers made.

Isaiah 27:3

27:3 I, the Lord, protect it;

I water it regularly.

I guard it night and day,

so no one can harm it.

Isaiah 29:14

29:14 Therefore I will again do an amazing thing for these people –

an absolutely extraordinary deed.

Wise men will have nothing to say,

the sages will have no explanations.”

Isaiah 30:16

30:16 You say, ‘No, we will flee on horses,’

so you will indeed flee.

You say, ‘We will ride on fast horses,’

so your pursuers will be fast.

Isaiah 30:20

30:20 The sovereign master will give you distress to eat

and suffering to drink;

but your teachers will no longer be hidden;

your eyes will see them.

Isaiah 33:19

33:19 You will no longer see a defiant people

whose language you do not comprehend,

whose derisive speech you do not understand.

Isaiah 34:10

34:10 Night and day it will burn;

its smoke will ascend continually.

Generation after generation it will be a wasteland

and no one will ever pass through it again.

Isaiah 43:12-13

43:12 I decreed and delivered and proclaimed,

and there was no other god among you.

You are my witnesses,” says the Lord, “that I am God.

43:13 From this day forward I am he;

no one can deliver from my power;

I will act, and who can prevent it?”

Isaiah 45:22

45:22 Turn to me so you can be delivered,

all you who live in the earth’s remote regions!

For I am God, and I have no peer.

Isaiah 46:9

46:9 Remember what I accomplished in antiquity!

Truly I am God, I have no peer;

I am God, and there is none like me,

Isaiah 47:5

47:5 “Sit silently! Go to a hiding place,

O daughter of the Babylonians!

Indeed, you will no longer be called ‘Queen of kingdoms.’

Isaiah 47:15

47:15 They will disappoint you,

those you have so faithfully dealt with since your youth.

Each strays off in his own direction,

leaving no one to rescue you.”

Isaiah 52:4

52:4 For this is what the sovereign Lord says:

“In the beginning my people went to live temporarily in Egypt;

Assyria oppressed them for no good reason.

Isaiah 52:14

52:14 (just as many were horrified by the sight of you)

he was so disfigured he no longer looked like a man;

Isaiah 54:2

54:2 Make your tent larger,

stretch your tent curtains farther out!

Spare no effort,

lengthen your ropes,

and pound your stakes deep.

Isaiah 55:1

The Lord Gives an Invitation

55:1 “Hey, all who are thirsty, come to the water!

You who have no money, come!

Buy and eat!

Come! Buy wine and milk

without money and without cost!

Isaiah 56:11

56:11 The dogs have big appetites;

they are never full.

They are shepherds who have no understanding;

they all go their own way,

each one looking for monetary gain.

Isaiah 59:15

59:15 Honesty has disappeared;

the one who tries to avoid evil is robbed.

The Lord watches and is displeased,

for there is no justice.

Isaiah 60:15

60:15 You were once abandoned

and despised, with no one passing through,

but I will make you a permanent source of pride

and joy to coming generations.

Isaiah 60:20

60:20 Your sun will no longer set;

your moon will not disappear;

the Lord will be your permanent source of light;

your time of sorrow will be over.

Isaiah 64:7

64:7 No one invokes your name,

or makes an effort to take hold of you.

For you have rejected us

and handed us over to our own sins.

Isaiah 65:17

65:17 For look, I am ready to create

new heavens and a new earth!

The former ones will not be remembered;

no one will think about them anymore.