Isaiah 1:29

1:29 Indeed, they will be ashamed of the sacred trees

you find so desirable;

you will be embarrassed because of the sacred orchards

where you choose to worship.

Isaiah 8:13

8:13 You must recognize the authority of the Lord who commands armies.

He is the one you must respect;

he is the one you must fear.

Isaiah 10:3

10:3 What will you do on judgment day,

when destruction arrives from a distant place?

To whom will you run for help?

Where will you leave your wealth?

Isaiah 14:16

14:16 Those who see you stare at you,

they look at you carefully, thinking:

“Is this the man who shook the earth,

the one who made kingdoms tremble?

Isaiah 26:15

26:15 You have made the nation larger, O Lord,

you have made the nation larger and revealed your splendor,

you have extended all the borders of the land.

Isaiah 29:3

29:3 I will lay siege to you on all sides;

I will besiege you with troops;

I will raise siege works against you.

Isaiah 30:16

30:16 You say, ‘No, we will flee on horses,’

so you will indeed flee.

You say, ‘We will ride on fast horses,’

so your pursuers will be fast.

Isaiah 30:21

30:21 You will hear a word spoken behind you, saying,

“This is the correct way, walk in it,”

whether you are heading to the right or the left.

Isaiah 32:20

32:20 you will be blessed,

you who plant seed by all the banks of the streams,

you who let your ox and donkey graze.

Isaiah 33:19

33:19 You will no longer see a defiant people

whose language you do not comprehend,

whose derisive speech you do not understand.

Isaiah 37:11

37:11 Certainly you have heard how the kings of Assyria have annihilated all lands. Do you really think you will be rescued?

Isaiah 37:22

37:22 this is what the Lord says about him:

“The virgin daughter Zion

despises you – she makes fun of you;

daughter Jerusalem

shakes her head after you.

Isaiah 44:21

44:21 Remember these things, O Jacob,

O Israel, for you are my servant.

I formed you to be my servant;

O Israel, I will not forget you!

Isaiah 47:7

47:7 You said,

‘I will rule forever as permanent queen!’

You did not think about these things;

you did not consider how it would turn out.

Isaiah 47:12

47:12 Persist in trusting your amulets

and your many incantations,

which you have faithfully recited since your youth!

Maybe you will be successful –

maybe you will scare away disaster.

Isaiah 47:15

47:15 They will disappoint you,

those you have so faithfully dealt with since your youth.

Each strays off in his own direction,

leaving no one to rescue you.”

Isaiah 48:18

48:18 If only you had obeyed my commandments,

prosperity would have flowed to you like a river,

deliverance would have come to you like the waves of the sea.

Isaiah 51:1

There is Hope for the Future

51:1 “Listen to me, you who pursue godliness,

who seek the Lord!

Look at the rock from which you were chiseled,

at the quarry from which you were dug!

Isaiah 51:19

51:19 These double disasters confronted you.

But who feels sorry for you?

Destruction and devastation,

famine and sword.

But who consoles you?

Isaiah 57:4

57:4 At whom are you laughing?

At whom are you opening your mouth

and sticking out your tongue?

You are the children of rebels,

the offspring of liars,

Isaiah 57:9

57:9 You take olive oil as tribute to your king,

along with many perfumes.

You send your messengers to a distant place;

you go all the way to Sheol.

Isaiah 66:14

66:14 When you see this, you will be happy,

and you will be revived.

The Lord will reveal his power to his servants

and his anger to his enemies.