Isaiah 1:24

1:24 Therefore, the sovereign Lord who commands armies,

the powerful ruler of Israel, says this:

“Ah, I will seek vengeance against my adversaries,

I will take revenge against my enemies.

Isaiah 5:1

A Love Song Gone Sour

5:1 I will sing to my love –

a song to my lover about his vineyard.

My love had a vineyard

on a fertile hill.

Isaiah 7:9

7:9 Ephraim’s leader is Samaria,

and Samaria’s leader is the son of Remaliah.

If your faith does not remain firm,

then you will not remain secure.”

Isaiah 8:8

8:8 It will spill into Judah, flooding and engulfing, as it reaches to the necks of its victims. He will spread his wings out over your entire land, O Immanuel.”

Isaiah 8:18

8:18 Look, I and the sons whom the Lord has given me are reminders and object lessons in Israel, sent from the Lord who commands armies, who lives on Mount Zion.

Isaiah 10:10

10:10 I overpowered kingdoms ruled by idols,

whose carved images were more impressive than Jerusalem’s or Samaria’s.

Isaiah 11:2

11:2 The Lord’s spirit will rest on him –

a spirit that gives extraordinary wisdom,

a spirit that provides the ability to execute plans,

a spirit that produces absolute loyalty to the Lord.

Isaiah 11:9

11:9 They will no longer injure or destroy

on my entire royal mountain.

For there will be universal submission to the Lord’s sovereignty,

just as the waters completely cover the sea.

Isaiah 14:23

14:23 “I will turn her into a place that is overrun with wild animals

and covered with pools of stagnant water.

I will get rid of her, just as one sweeps away dirt with a broom,”

says the Lord who commands armies.

Isaiah 19:3

19:3 The Egyptians will panic,

and I will confuse their strategy.

They will seek guidance from the idols and from the spirits of the dead,

from the pits used to conjure up underworld spirits, and from the magicians.

Isaiah 19:20

19:20 It will become a visual reminder in the land of Egypt of the Lord who commands armies. When they cry out to the Lord because of oppressors, he will send them a deliverer and defender who will rescue them.

Isaiah 23:11

23:11 The Lord stretched out his hand over the sea,

he shook kingdoms;

he gave the order

to destroy Canaan’s fortresses.

Isaiah 25:11

25:11 Moab will spread out its hands in the middle of it,

just as a swimmer spreads his hands to swim;

the Lord will bring down Moab’s pride as it spreads its hands.

Isaiah 26:9

26:9 I look for you during the night,

my spirit within me seeks you at dawn,

for when your judgments come upon the earth,

those who live in the world learn about justice.

Isaiah 26:12

26:12 O Lord, you make us secure,

for even all we have accomplished, you have done for us.

Isaiah 28:12

28:12 In the past he said to them,

“This is where security can be found.

Provide security for the one who is exhausted!

This is where rest can be found.”

But they refused to listen.

Isaiah 29:22

29:22 So this is what the Lord, the one who delivered Abraham, says to the family of Jacob:

“Jacob will no longer be ashamed;

their faces will no longer show their embarrassment.

Isaiah 30:32

30:32 Every blow from his punishing cudgel,

with which the Lord will beat them,

will be accompanied by music from the tambourine and harp,

and he will attack them with his weapons.

Isaiah 31:8

31:8 Assyria will fall by a sword, but not one human-made;

a sword not made by humankind will destroy them.

They will run away from this sword

and their young men will be forced to do hard labor.

Isaiah 33:6

33:6 He is your constant source of stability;

he abundantly provides safety and great wisdom;

he gives all this to those who fear him.

Isaiah 36:10

36:10 Furthermore it was by the command of the Lord that I marched up against this land to destroy it. The Lord told me, ‘March up against this land and destroy it!’”’”

Isaiah 37:14

37:14 Hezekiah took the letter from the messengers and read it. Then Hezekiah went up to the Lord’s temple and spread it out before the Lord.

Isaiah 38:11

38:11 “I thought,

‘I will no longer see the Lord in the land of the living,

I will no longer look on humankind with the inhabitants of the world.

Isaiah 38:20

38:20 The Lord is about to deliver me,

and we will celebrate with music

for the rest of our lives in the Lord’s temple.”

Isaiah 40:5

40:5 The splendor of the Lord will be revealed,

and all people will see it at the same time.

For the Lord has decreed it.”

Isaiah 40:21

40:21 Do you not know?

Do you not hear?

Has it not been told to you since the very beginning?

Have you not understood from the time the earth’s foundations were made?

Isaiah 40:31

40:31 But those who wait for the Lord’s help find renewed strength;

they rise up as if they had eagles’ wings,

they run without growing weary,

they walk without getting tired.

Isaiah 41:4

41:4 Who acts and carries out decrees?

Who summons the successive generations from the beginning?

I, the Lord, am present at the very beginning,

and at the very end – I am the one.

Isaiah 41:14

41:14 Don’t be afraid, despised insignificant Jacob,

men of Israel.

I am helping you,” says the Lord,

your protector, the Holy One of Israel.

Isaiah 41:21

The Lord Challenges the Pagan Gods

41:21 “Present your argument,” says the Lord.

“Produce your evidence,” says Jacob’s king.

Isaiah 42:8

The Lord Intervenes

42:8 I am the Lord! That is my name!

I will not share my glory with anyone else,

or the praise due me with idols.

Isaiah 48:11

48:11 For my sake alone I will act,

for how can I allow my name to be defiled?

I will not share my glory with anyone else!

Isaiah 55:13--56:1

55:13 Evergreens will grow in place of thorn bushes,

firs will grow in place of nettles;

they will be a monument to the Lord,

a permanent reminder that will remain.

The Lord Invites Outsiders to Enter

56:1 This is what the Lord says,

“Promote justice! Do what is right!

For I am ready to deliver you;

I am ready to vindicate you openly.

Isaiah 59:1

Injustice Brings Alienation from God

59:1 Look, the Lord’s hand is not too weak to deliver you;

his ear is not too deaf to hear you.

Isaiah 59:12

59:12 For you are aware of our many rebellious deeds,

and our sins testify against us;

indeed, we are aware of our rebellious deeds;

we know our sins all too well.

Isaiah 59:15

59:15 Honesty has disappeared;

the one who tries to avoid evil is robbed.

The Lord watches and is displeased,

for there is no justice.

Isaiah 65:23

65:23 They will not work in vain,

or give birth to children that will experience disaster.

For the Lord will bless their children

and their descendants.