Isaiah 1:17

1:17 Learn to do what is right!

Promote justice!

Give the oppressed reason to celebrate!

Take up the cause of the orphan!

Defend the rights of the widow!

Isaiah 3:12

3:12 Oppressors treat my people cruelly;

creditors rule over them.

My people’s leaders mislead them;

they give you confusing directions.

Isaiah 8:16

8:16 Tie up the scroll as legal evidence,

seal the official record of God’s instructions and give it to my followers.

Isaiah 9:3

9:3 You have enlarged the nation;

you give them great joy.

They rejoice in your presence

as harvesters rejoice;

as warriors celebrate when they divide up the plunder.

Isaiah 28:6

28:6 He will give discernment to the one who makes judicial decisions,

and strength to those who defend the city from attackers.

Isaiah 30:5

30:5 all will be put to shame

because of a nation that cannot help them,

who cannot give them aid or help,

but only shame and disgrace.”

Isaiah 30:20

30:20 The sovereign master will give you distress to eat

and suffering to drink;

but your teachers will no longer be hidden;

your eyes will see them.

Isaiah 30:30

30:30 The Lord will give a mighty shout

and intervene in power,

with furious anger and flaming, destructive fire,

with a driving rainstorm and hailstones.

Isaiah 36:8

36:8 Now make a deal with my master the king of Assyria, and I will give you two thousand horses, provided you can find enough riders for them.

Isaiah 38:16

38:16 O sovereign master, your decrees can give men life;

may years of life be restored to me.

Restore my health and preserve my life.’

Isaiah 38:18

38:18 Indeed Sheol does not give you thanks;

death does not praise you.

Those who descend into the pit do not anticipate your faithfulness.

Isaiah 49:13

49:13 Shout for joy, O sky!

Rejoice, O earth!

Let the mountains give a joyful shout!

For the Lord consoles his people

and shows compassion to the oppressed.

Isaiah 57:18

57:18 I have seen their behavior,

but I will heal them and give them rest,

and I will once again console those who mourn.

Isaiah 62:2

62:2 Nations will see your vindication,

and all kings your splendor.

You will be called by a new name

that the Lord himself will give you.

Isaiah 65:15

65:15 Your names will live on in the curse formulas of my chosen ones.

The sovereign Lord will kill you,

but he will give his servants another name.

Isaiah 65:23

65:23 They will not work in vain,

or give birth to children that will experience disaster.

For the Lord will bless their children

and their descendants.