Isaiah 1:12

1:12 When you enter my presence,

do you actually think I want this –

animals trampling on my courtyards?

Isaiah 1:19

1:19 If you have a willing attitude and obey,

then you will again eat the good crops of the land.

Isaiah 21:13

The Lord Will Judge Arabia

21:13 Here is a message about Arabia:

In the thicket of Arabia you spend the night,

you Dedanite caravans.

Isaiah 22:10

22:10 You counted the houses in Jerusalem,

and demolished houses so you could have material to reinforce the wall.

Isaiah 23:2

23:2 Lament, you residents of the coast,

you merchants of Sidon who travel over the sea,

whose agents sail over

Isaiah 26:12

26:12 O Lord, you make us secure,

for even all we have accomplished, you have done for us.

Isaiah 28:14

The Lord Will Judge Jerusalem

28:14 Therefore, listen to the Lord’s word,

you who mock,

you rulers of these people

who reside in Jerusalem!

Isaiah 32:9

The Lord Will Give True Security

32:9 You complacent women,

get up and listen to me!

You carefree daughters,

pay attention to what I say!

Isaiah 33:13

33:13 You who are far away, listen to what I have done!

You who are close by, recognize my strength!”

Isaiah 41:12

41:12 When you will look for your opponents, you will not find them;

your enemies will be reduced to absolutely nothing.

Isaiah 41:24

41:24 Look, you are nothing, and your accomplishments are nonexistent;

the one who chooses to worship you is disgusting.

Isaiah 43:22

The Lord Rebukes His People

43:22 “But you did not call for me, O Jacob;

you did not long for me, O Israel.

Isaiah 43:26

43:26 Remind me of what happened! Let’s debate!

You, prove to me that you are right!

Isaiah 46:5

46:5 To whom can you compare and liken me?

Tell me whom you think I resemble, so we can be compared!

Isaiah 48:10

48:10 Look, I have refined you, but not as silver;

I have purified you in the furnace of misery.

Isaiah 52:3

52:3 For this is what the Lord says:

“You were sold for nothing,

and you will not be redeemed for money.”

Isaiah 54:15

54:15 If anyone dares to challenge you, it will not be my doing!

Whoever tries to challenge you will be defeated.

Isaiah 56:9

The Lord Denounces Israel’s Paganism

56:9 All you wild animals in the fields, come and devour,

all you wild animals in the forest!

Isaiah 64:1

64:1 (63:19b) If only you would tear apart the sky and come down!

The mountains would tremble before you!

Isaiah 66:13

66:13 As a mother consoles a child,

so I will console you,

and you will be consoled over Jerusalem.”