Hosea 4:19

4:19 A whirlwind has wrapped them in its wings;

they will be brought to shame because of their idolatrous worship.

Hosea 8:8-9

8:8 Israel will be swallowed up among the nations;

they will be like a worthless piece of pottery.

The Willful Donkey and the Wanton Harlot

8:9 They have gone up to Assyria,

like a wild donkey that wanders off.

Ephraim has hired prostitutes as lovers.

Hosea 8:12

8:12 I spelled out my law for him in great detail,

but they regard it as something totally unknown to them!

Hosea 11:7

11:7 My people are obsessed with turning away from me;

they call to Baal, but he will never exalt them!