Habakkuk 1:16

1:16 Because of his success he offers sacrifices to his throw net

and burns incense to his dragnet;

for because of them he has plenty of food,

and more than enough to eat.

Habakkuk 2:1

2:1 I will stand at my watch post;

I will remain stationed on the city wall.

I will keep watching, so I can see what he says to me

and can know how I should answer

when he counters my argument.

Habakkuk 2:9

2:9 The one who builds his house by unjust gain is as good as dead.

He does this so he can build his nest way up high

and escape the clutches of disaster.

Habakkuk 3:19

3:19 The sovereign Lord is my source of strength.

He gives me the agility of a deer;

he enables me to negotiate the rugged terrain.

(This prayer is for the song leader. It is to be accompanied by stringed instruments.)