Genesis 7:9

7:9 male and female, came into the ark to Noah, just as God had commanded him.

Genesis 19:23

19:23 The sun had just risen over the land as Lot reached Zoar.

Genesis 30:28

30:28 He added, “Just name your wages – I’ll pay whatever you want.”

Genesis 40:22

40:22 but the chief baker he impaled, just as Joseph had predicted.

Genesis 42:14

42:14 But Joseph told them, “It is just as I said to you: You are spies!

Genesis 43:17

43:17 The man did just as Joseph said; he brought the men into Joseph’s house.

Genesis 50:6

50:6 So Pharaoh said, “Go and bury your father, just as he made you swear to do.”

Genesis 50:12

50:12 So the sons of Jacob did for him just as he had instructed them.