Genesis 3:9

3:9 But the Lord God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?”

Genesis 5:24

5:24 Enoch walked with God, and then he disappeared because God took him away.

Genesis 6:22

6:22 And Noah did all that God commanded him – he did indeed.

Genesis 7:9

7:9 male and female, came into the ark to Noah, just as God had commanded him.

Genesis 15:12

15:12 When the sun went down, Abram fell sound asleep, and great terror overwhelmed him.

Genesis 17:3

17:3 Abram bowed down with his face to the ground, and God said to him,

Genesis 17:22

17:22 When he finished speaking with Abraham, God went up from him.

Genesis 18:9

18:9 Then they asked him, “Where is Sarah your wife?” He replied, “There, in the tent.”

Genesis 21:5

21:5 (Now Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him.)

Genesis 22:24

22:24 His concubine, whose name was Reumah, also bore him children – Tebah, Gaham, Tahash, and Maacah.

Genesis 24:1

The Wife for Isaac

24:1 Now Abraham was old, well advanced in years, and the Lord had blessed him in everything.

Genesis 24:6

24:6 “Be careful never to take my son back there!” Abraham told him.

Genesis 25:25

25:25 The first came out reddish all over, like a hairy garment, so they named him Esau.

Genesis 27:26

27:26 Then his father Isaac said to him, “Come here and kiss me, my son.”

Genesis 27:44

27:44 Live with him for a little while until your brother’s rage subsides.

Genesis 30:24

30:24 She named him Joseph, saying, “May the Lord give me yet another son.”

Genesis 31:20

31:20 Jacob also deceived Laban the Aramean by not telling him that he was leaving.

Genesis 32:1

Jacob Wrestles at Peniel

32:1 So Jacob went on his way and the angels of God met him.

Genesis 32:24

32:24 So Jacob was left alone. Then a man wrestled with him until daybreak.

Genesis 32:27

32:27 The man asked him, “What is your name?” He answered, “Jacob.”

Genesis 35:9

35:9 God appeared to Jacob again after he returned from Paddan Aram and blessed him.

Genesis 35:13

35:13 Then God went up from the place where he spoke with him.

Genesis 37:11

37:11 His brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept in mind what Joseph said.

Genesis 38:3

38:3 She became pregnant and had a son. Judah named him Er.

Genesis 40:12

40:12 “This is its meaning,” Joseph said to him. “The three branches represent three days.

Genesis 40:23

40:23 But the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph – he forgot him.

Genesis 42:31

42:31 But we said to him, ‘We are honest men; we are not spies!

Genesis 44:24

44:24 When we returned to your servant my father, we told him the words of my lord.

Genesis 45:15

45:15 He kissed all his brothers and wept over them. After this his brothers talked with him.

Genesis 47:7

47:7 Then Joseph brought in his father Jacob and presented him before Pharaoh. Jacob blessed Pharaoh.

Genesis 50:9

50:9 Chariots and horsemen also went up with him, so it was a very large entourage.

Genesis 50:12

50:12 So the sons of Jacob did for him just as he had instructed them.