Genesis 27:28

27:28 May God give you

the dew of the sky

and the richness of the earth,

and plenty of grain and new wine.

Genesis 41:5

41:5 Then he fell asleep again and had a second dream: There were seven heads of grain growing on one stalk, healthy and good.

Genesis 41:26

41:26 The seven good cows represent seven years, and the seven good heads of grain represent seven years. Both dreams have the same meaning.

Genesis 41:49

41:49 Joseph stored up a vast amount of grain, like the sand of the sea, until he stopped measuring it because it was impossible to measure.

Genesis 41:56

41:56 While the famine was over all the earth, Joseph opened the storehouses and sold grain to the Egyptians. The famine was severe throughout the land of Egypt.

Genesis 42:5

42:5 So Israel’s sons came to buy grain among the other travelers, for the famine was severe in the land of Canaan.

Genesis 42:19

42:19 If you are honest men, leave one of your brothers confined here in prison while the rest of you go and take grain back for your hungry families.

Genesis 43:2

43:2 When they finished eating the grain they had brought from Egypt, their father said to them, “Return, buy us a little more food.”