Genesis 16:10

16:10 I will greatly multiply your descendants,” the Lord’s angel added, “so that they will be too numerous to count.”

Genesis 18:12

18:12 So Sarah laughed to herself, thinking, “After I am worn out will I have pleasure, especially when my husband is old too?”

Genesis 21:13

21:13 But I will also make the son of the slave wife into a great nation, for he is your descendant too.”

Genesis 24:19

24:19 When she had done so, she said, “I’ll draw water for your camels too, until they have drunk as much as they want.”

Genesis 27:34

27:34 When Esau heard his father’s words, he wailed loudly and bitterly. He said to his father, “Bless me too, my father!”

Genesis 27:38

27:38 Esau said to his father, “Do you have only that one blessing, my father? Bless me too!” Then Esau wept loudly.

Genesis 29:27

29:27 Complete my older daughter’s bridal week. Then we will give you the younger one too, in exchange for seven more years of work.”

Genesis 31:25

31:25 Laban overtook Jacob, and when Jacob pitched his tent in the hill country of Gilead, Laban and his relatives set up camp there too.

Genesis 32:12

32:12 But you said, ‘I will certainly make you prosper and will make your descendants like the sand on the seashore, too numerous to count.’”

Genesis 44:29

44:29 If you take this one from me too and an accident happens to him, then you will bring down my gray hair in tragedy to the grave.’

Genesis 48:11

48:11 Israel said to Joseph, “I never expected to see you again, but now God has allowed me to see your children too.”