Ezekiel 43:24

43:24 You will present them before the Lord, and the priests will scatter salt on them and offer them up as a burnt offering to the Lord.

Ezekiel 44:27

44:27 On the day he enters the sanctuary, into the inner court to serve in the sanctuary, he must offer his sin offering, declares the sovereign Lord.

Ezekiel 45:13

45:13 “‘This is the offering you must offer: a sixth of an ephah from a homer of wheat; a sixth of an ephah from a homer of barley,

Ezekiel 46:4

46:4 The burnt offering which the prince will offer to the Lord on the Sabbath day will be six unblemished lambs and one unblemished ram.

Ezekiel 46:6

46:6 On the day of the new moon he will offer an unblemished young bull, and six lambs and a ram, all without blemish.