Ezekiel 3:8

3:8 “I have made your face adamant to match their faces, and your forehead hard to match their foreheads.

Ezekiel 4:7

4:7 You must turn your face toward the siege of Jerusalem with your arm bared and prophesy against it.

Ezekiel 16:11

16:11 I adorned you with jewelry. I put bracelets on your hands and a necklace around your neck.

Ezekiel 16:26

16:26 You engaged in prostitution with the Egyptians, your sexually aroused neighbors, multiplying your promiscuity and provoking me to anger.

Ezekiel 23:31

23:31 You have followed the ways of your sister, so I will place her cup of judgment in your hand.

Ezekiel 26:9

26:9 He will direct the blows of his battering rams against your walls and tear down your towers with his weapons.

Ezekiel 26:13

26:13 I will silence the noise of your songs; the sound of your harps will be heard no more.

Ezekiel 27:6

27:6 They made your oars from oaks of Bashan;

they made your deck with cypresses from the Kittean isles.

Ezekiel 27:15

27:15 The Dedanites were your clients. Many coastlands were your customers; they paid you with ivory tusks and ebony.

Ezekiel 28:4

28:4 By your wisdom and understanding you have gained wealth for yourself;

you have amassed gold and silver in your treasuries.

Ezekiel 32:5

32:5 I will put your flesh on the mountains,

and fill the valleys with your maggot-infested carcass.