Ezekiel 2:10--3:1

2:10 He unrolled it before me, and it had writing on the front and back; written on it were laments, mourning, and woe.

3:1 He said to me, “Son of man, eat what you see in front of you – eat this scroll – and then go and speak to the house of Israel.”

Ezekiel 4:1

Ominous Object Lessons

4:1 “And you, son of man, take a brick and set it in front of you. Inscribe a city on it – Jerusalem.

Ezekiel 4:12

4:12 And you must eat the food like you would a barley cake. You must bake it in front of them over a fire made with dried human excrement.”

Ezekiel 6:4-5

6:4 Your altars will be ruined and your incense altars will be broken. I will throw down your slain in front of your idols. 6:5 I will place the corpses of the people of Israel in front of their idols, and I will scatter your bones around your altars.

Ezekiel 23:41

23:41 You sat on a magnificent couch, with a table arranged in front of it where you placed my incense and my olive oil.

Ezekiel 40:12

40:12 There was a barrier in front of the alcoves, 1¾ feet on either side; the alcoves were 10½ feet on either side.

Ezekiel 40:26

40:26 There were seven steps going up to it; its porches were in front of them. It had decorative palm trees on its jambs, one on either side.

Ezekiel 40:47

40:47 He measured the court as a square 175 feet long and 175 feet wide; the altar was in front of the temple.

Ezekiel 42:4

42:4 In front of the chambers was a walkway on the inner side, 17½ feet wide at a distance of 1¾ feet, and their entrances were on the north.