Ezekiel 1:8

1:8 They had human hands under their wings on their four sides. As for the faces and wings of the four of them,

Ezekiel 1:19-20

1:19 When the living beings moved, the wheels beside them moved; when the living beings rose up from the ground, the wheels rose up too. 1:20 Wherever the spirit would go, they would go, and the wheels would rise up beside them because the spirit of the living being was in the wheel.

Ezekiel 2:4

2:4 The people to whom I am sending you are obstinate and hard-hearted, and you must say to them, ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says.’

Ezekiel 3:6

3:6 not to many peoples of unintelligible speech and difficult language, whose words you cannot understand – surely if I had sent you to them, they would listen to you!

Ezekiel 3:13

3:13 and the sound of the living beings’ wings brushing against each other, and the sound of the wheels alongside them, a great rumbling sound.

Ezekiel 3:15

3:15 I came to the exiles at Tel Abib, who lived by the Kebar River. I sat dumbfounded among them there, where they were living, for seven days.

Ezekiel 4:12-13

4:12 And you must eat the food like you would a barley cake. You must bake it in front of them over a fire made with dried human excrement.” 4:13 And the Lord said, “This is how the people of Israel will eat their unclean food among the nations where I will banish them.”

Ezekiel 7:11

7:11 Violence has grown into a staff that supports wickedness. Not one of them will be left – not from their crowd, not from their wealth, not from their prominence.

Ezekiel 7:16

7:16 Their survivors will escape to the mountains and become like doves of the valleys; all of them will moan – each one for his iniquity.

Ezekiel 7:18

7:18 They will wear sackcloth, terror will cover them; shame will be on all their faces, and all of their heads will be shaved bald.

Ezekiel 7:20

7:20 They rendered the beauty of his ornaments into pride, and with it they made their abominable images – their detestable idols. Therefore I will render it filthy to them.

Ezekiel 7:22

7:22 I will turn my face away from them and they will desecrate my treasured place. Vandals will enter it and desecrate it.

Ezekiel 9:7

9:7 He said to them, “Defile the temple and fill the courtyards with corpses. Go!” So they went out and struck people down throughout the city.

Ezekiel 10:1

God’s Glory Leaves the Temple

10:1 As I watched, I saw on the platform above the top of the cherubim something like a sapphire, resembling the shape of a throne, appearing above them.

Ezekiel 10:12

10:12 along with their entire bodies, their backs, their hands, and their wings. The wheels of the four of them were full of eyes all around.

Ezekiel 10:16

10:16 When the cherubim moved, the wheels moved beside them; when the cherubim spread their wings to rise from the ground, the wheels did not move from their side.

Ezekiel 11:20-21

11:20 so that they may follow my statutes and observe my regulations and carry them out. Then they will be my people, and I will be their God. 11:21 But those whose hearts are devoted to detestable things and abominations, I hereby repay them for what they have done, says the sovereign Lord.”

Ezekiel 12:10-11

12:10 Say to them, ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: The prince will raise this burden in Jerusalem, and all the house of Israel within it.’ 12:11 Say, ‘I am an object lesson for you. Just as I have done, it will be done to them; they will go into exile and captivity.’

Ezekiel 12:14

12:14 All his retinue – his attendants and his troops – I will scatter to every wind; I will unleash a sword behind them.

Ezekiel 13:17

13:17 “As for you, son of man, turn toward the daughters of your people who are prophesying from their imagination. Prophesy against them

Ezekiel 16:16

16:16 You took some of your clothing and made for yourself decorated high places; you engaged in prostitution on them. You went to him to become his.

Ezekiel 16:28

16:28 You engaged in prostitution with the Assyrians because your sexual desires were insatiable; you prostituted yourself with them and yet you were still not satisfied.

Ezekiel 16:53

16:53 “‘I will restore their fortunes, the fortunes of Sodom and her daughters, and the fortunes of Samaria and her daughters (along with your fortunes among them),

Ezekiel 18:9

18:9 and follows my statutes and observes my regulations by carrying them out. That man is righteous; he will certainly live, declares the sovereign Lord.

Ezekiel 18:11

18:11 (though the father did not do any of them). He eats pagan sacrifices on the mountains, defiles his neighbor’s wife,

Ezekiel 18:14

18:14 “But suppose he in turn has a son who notices all the sins his father commits, considers them, and does not follow his father’s example.

Ezekiel 20:4

20:4 “Are you willing to pronounce judgment? Are you willing to pronounce judgment, son of man? Then confront them with the abominable practices of their fathers,

Ezekiel 20:14

20:14 I acted for the sake of my reputation, so that I would not be profaned before the nations in whose sight I had brought them out.

Ezekiel 20:29

20:29 So I said to them, What is this high place you go to?’” (So it is called “High Place” to this day.)

Ezekiel 23:12

23:12 She lusted after the Assyrians – governors and officials, warriors in full armor, horsemen riding on horses, all of them desirable young men.

Ezekiel 23:15

23:15 wearing belts on their waists and flowing turbans on their heads, all of them looking like officers, the image of Babylonians whose native land is Chaldea.

Ezekiel 23:36

23:36 The Lord said to me: “Son of man, are you willing to pronounce judgment on Oholah and Oholibah? Then declare to them their abominable deeds!

Ezekiel 23:40

23:40 “They even sent for men from far away; when the messenger arrived, those men set out. For them you bathed, painted your eyes, and decorated yourself with jewelry.

Ezekiel 23:45

23:45 But upright men will punish them appropriately for their adultery and bloodshed, because they are adulteresses and blood is on their hands.

Ezekiel 25:12

A Prophecy Against Edom

25:12 “This is what the sovereign Lord says: ‘Edom has taken vengeance against the house of Judah; they have made themselves fully culpable by taking vengeance on them.

Ezekiel 30:5

30:5 Ethiopia, Put, Lud, all the foreigners, Libya, and the people of the covenant land will die by the sword along with them.

Ezekiel 30:26

30:26 I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations and disperse them among foreign countries. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”

Ezekiel 32:13

32:13 I will destroy all its cattle beside the plentiful waters;

and no human foot will disturb the waters again,

nor will the hooves of cattle disturb them.

Ezekiel 32:31

32:31 “Pharaoh will see them and be consoled over all his hordes who were killed by the sword, Pharaoh and all his army, declares the sovereign Lord.

Ezekiel 34:20-21

34:20 “‘Therefore, this is what the sovereign Lord says to them: Look, I myself will judge between the fat sheep and the lean sheep. 34:21 Because you push with your side and your shoulder, and thrust your horns at all the weak sheep until you scatter them abroad,

Ezekiel 34:24

34:24 I, the Lord, will be their God, and my servant David will be prince among them; I, the Lord, have spoken!

Ezekiel 34:30

34:30 Then they will know that I, the Lord their God, am with them, and that they are my people, the house of Israel, declares the sovereign Lord.

Ezekiel 35:10

35:10 “‘You said, “These two nations, these two lands will be mine, and we will possess them,” – although the Lord was there –

Ezekiel 36:12

36:12 I will lead people, my people Israel, across you; they will possess you and you will become their inheritance. No longer will you bereave them of their children.

Ezekiel 36:18

36:18 So I poured my anger on them because of the blood they shed on the land and because of the idols with which they defiled it.

Ezekiel 37:2

37:2 He made me walk all around among them. I realized there were a great many bones in the valley and they were very dry.

Ezekiel 37:10

37:10 So I prophesied as I was commanded, and the breath came into them; they lived and stood on their feet, an extremely great army.

Ezekiel 39:21

39:21 “I will display my majesty among the nations. All the nations will witness the judgment I have executed, and the power I have exhibited among them.

Ezekiel 39:26

39:26 They will bear their shame for all their unfaithful acts against me, when they live securely on their land with no one to make them afraid.

Ezekiel 39:29

39:29 I will no longer hide my face from them, when I pour out my Spirit on the house of Israel, declares the sovereign Lord.”

Ezekiel 40:26

40:26 There were seven steps going up to it; its porches were in front of them. It had decorative palm trees on its jambs, one on either side.

Ezekiel 42:5

42:5 Now the upper chambers were narrower, because the galleries took more space from them than from the lower and middle chambers of the building.

Ezekiel 43:9

43:9 Now they must put away their spiritual prostitution and the pillars of their kings far from me, and then I will live among them forever.

Ezekiel 44:14

44:14 Yet I will appoint them to keep charge of the temple, all of its service and all that will be done in it.

Ezekiel 44:23

44:23 Moreover, they will teach my people the difference between the holy and the common, and show them how to distinguish between the ceremonially unclean and the clean.

Ezekiel 44:28

44:28 “‘This will be their inheritance: I am their inheritance, and you must give them no property in Israel; I am their property.