Exodus 7:6

7:6 And Moses and Aaron did so; they did just as the Lord commanded them.

Exodus 9:32

9:32 But the wheat and the spelt were not struck, for they are later crops.)

Exodus 12:39

12:39 They baked cakes of bread without yeast using the dough they had brought from Egypt, for it was made without yeast – because they were thrust out of Egypt and were not able to delay, they could not prepare food for themselves either.

Exodus 13:20

13:20 They journeyed from Sukkoth and camped in Etham, on the edge of the desert.

Exodus 15:5

15:5 The depths have covered them,

they went down to the bottom like a stone.

Exodus 16:17

16:17 The Israelites did so, and they gathered – some more, some less.

Exodus 18:22

18:22 They will judge the people under normal circumstances, and every difficult case they will bring to you, but every small case they themselves will judge, so that you may make it easier for yourself, and they will bear the burden with you.

Exodus 33:4

33:4 When the people heard this troubling word they mourned; no one put on his ornaments.

Exodus 39:15

39:15 They made for the breastpiece braided chains like cords of pure gold,

Exodus 39:17

39:17 They attached the two gold chains to the two rings at the ends of the breastpiece;