Exodus 5:12

5:12 So the people spread out through all the land of Egypt to collect stubble for straw.

Exodus 6:11

6:11 “Go, tell Pharaoh king of Egypt that he must release the Israelites from his land.”

Exodus 6:28

The Authentication of the Word

6:28 When the Lord spoke to Moses in the land of Egypt,

Exodus 8:14

8:14 The Egyptians piled them in countless heaps, and the land stank.

Exodus 8:25

8:25 Then Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron and said, “Go, sacrifice to your God within the land.”

Exodus 9:5

9:5 The Lord set an appointed time, saying, “Tomorrow the Lord will do this in the land.”

Exodus 9:26

9:26 Only in the land of Goshen, where the Israelites lived, was there no hail.

Exodus 12:1

The Institution of the Passover

12:1 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt,

Exodus 23:10

Sabbaths and Feasts

23:10 “For six years you are to sow your land and gather in its produce.