Exodus 20:9

20:9 For six days you may labor and do all your work,

Exodus 31:4

31:4 to make artistic designs for work with gold, with silver, and with bronze,

Exodus 35:32

35:32 to design artistic designs, to work in gold, in silver, and in bronze,

Exodus 36:7

36:7 Now the materials were more than enough for them to do all the work.

Exodus 37:29

37:29 He made the sacred anointing oil and the pure fragrant incense, the work of a perfumer.

Exodus 39:22

The Other Garments

39:22 He made the robe of the ephod completely blue, the work of a weaver.

Exodus 39:42

39:42 The Israelites did all the work according to all that the Lord had commanded Moses.