Exodus 2:18

2:18 So when they came home to their father Reuel, he asked, “Why have you come home so early today?”

Exodus 5:9

5:9 Make the work harder for the men so they will keep at it and pay no attention to lying words!”

Exodus 6:9

6:9 Moses told this to the Israelites, but they did not listen to him because of their discouragement and hard labor.

Exodus 7:7

7:7 Now Moses was eighty years old and Aaron was eighty-three years old when they spoke to Pharaoh.

Exodus 15:10

15:10 But you blew with your breath, and the sea covered them.

They sank like lead in the mighty waters.

Exodus 16:27

16:27 On the seventh day some of the people went out to gather it, but they found nothing.

Exodus 19:14

19:14 Then Moses went down from the mountain to the people and sanctified the people, and they washed their clothes.

Exodus 22:23

22:23 If you afflict them in any way and they cry to me, I will surely hear their cry,

Exodus 24:5

24:5 He sent young Israelite men, and they offered burnt offerings and sacrificed young bulls for peace offerings to the Lord.

Exodus 25:15

25:15 The poles must remain in the rings of the ark; they must not be removed from it.

Exodus 28:42

28:42 Make for them linen undergarments to cover their naked bodies; they must cover from the waist to the thighs.

Exodus 30:29-30

30:29 So you are to sanctify them, and they will be most holy; anything that touches them will be holy.

30:30 “You are to anoint Aaron and his sons and sanctify them, so that they may minister as my priests.

Exodus 32:9

32:9 Then the Lord said to Moses: “I have seen this people. Look what a stiff-necked people they are!

Exodus 32:22

32:22 Aaron said, “Do not let your anger burn hot, my lord; you know these people, that they tend to evil.

Exodus 32:35

32:35 And the Lord sent a plague on the people because they had made the calf – the one Aaron made.

Exodus 39:4

39:4 They made shoulder pieces for it, attached to two of its corners, so it could be joined together.

Exodus 39:9

39:9 It was square – they made the breastpiece doubled, nine inches long and nine inches wide when doubled.

Exodus 39:13

39:13 and the fourth row, a chrysolite, an onyx, and a jasper. They were enclosed in gold filigree settings.

Exodus 39:24

39:24 They made pomegranates of blue, purple, and scarlet yarn and twisted linen around the hem of the robe.

Exodus 39:27

39:27 They made tunics of fine linen – the work of a weaver, for Aaron and for his sons –

Exodus 39:33

39:33 They brought the tabernacle to Moses, the tent and all its furnishings, clasps, frames, bars, posts, and bases;