Exodus 12:6

12:6 You must care for it until the fourteenth day of this month, and then the whole community of Israel will kill it around sundown.

Exodus 16:9-10

16:9 Then Moses said to Aaron, “Tell the whole community of the Israelites, ‘Come before the Lord, because he has heard your murmurings.’”

16:10 As Aaron spoke to the whole community of the Israelites and they looked toward the desert, there the glory of the Lord appeared in the cloud,

Exodus 16:22

16:22 And on the sixth day they gathered twice as much food, two omers per person; and all the leaders of the community came and told Moses.

Exodus 34:31

34:31 But Moses called to them, so Aaron and all the leaders of the community came back to him, and Moses spoke to them.

Exodus 35:1

Sabbath Regulations

35:1 Moses assembled the whole community of the Israelites and said to them, “These are the things that the Lord has commanded you to do.

Exodus 38:25

38:25 The silver of those who were numbered of the community was one hundred talents and 1,775 shekels, according to the sanctuary shekel,