Exodus 1:1

Blessing during Bondage in Egypt

1:1 These are the names of the sons of Israel who entered Egypt – each man with his household entered with Jacob:

Exodus 1:9

1:9 He said to his people, “Look at the Israelite people, more numerous and stronger than we are!

Exodus 2:21

2:21 Moses agreed to stay with the man, and he gave his daughter Zipporah to Moses in marriage.

Exodus 7:12

7:12 Each man threw down his staff, and the staffs became snakes. But Aaron’s staff swallowed up their staffs.

Exodus 8:6

8:6 So Aaron extended his hand over the waters of Egypt, and frogs came up and covered the land of Egypt.

Exodus 10:22

10:22 So Moses extended his hand toward heaven, and there was absolute darkness throughout the land of Egypt for three days.

Exodus 18:15

18:15 Moses said to his father-in-law, “Because the people come to me to inquire of God.

Exodus 21:7

21:7 “If a man sells his daughter as a female servant, she will not go out as the male servants do.

Exodus 21:9

21:9 If he designated her for his son, then he will deal with her according to the customary rights of daughters.

Exodus 29:6

29:6 You are to put the turban on his head and put the holy diadem on the turban.

Exodus 30:30

30:30 “You are to anoint Aaron and his sons and sanctify them, so that they may minister as my priests.

Exodus 31:10

31:10 the woven garments, the holy garments for Aaron the priest and the garments for his sons, to minister as priests,

Exodus 32:14

32:14 Then the Lord relented over the evil that he had said he would do to his people.

Exodus 39:27

39:27 They made tunics of fine linen – the work of a weaver, for Aaron and for his sons –