Ecclesiastes 2:1

Futility of Self-Indulgent Pleasure
I thought to myself,

2:1 “Come now, I will try self-indulgent pleasure to see if it is worthwhile.”

But I found that it also is futile.

Ecclesiastes 2:24

Enjoy Work and its Benefits

2:24 There is nothing better for people than to eat and drink,

and to find enjoyment in their work.

I also perceived that this ability to find enjoyment comes from God.

Ecclesiastes 4:12

4:12 Although an assailant may overpower one person,

two can withstand him.

Moreover, a three-stranded cord is not quickly broken.

Ecclesiastes 5:4

5:4 When you make a vow to God, do not delay in paying it.

For God takes no pleasure in fools:

Pay what you vow!

Ecclesiastes 5:11

5:11 When someone’s prosperity increases, those who consume it also increase;

so what does its owner gain, except that he gets to see it with his eyes?

Ecclesiastes 6:10

The Futile Way Life Works

6:10 Whatever has happened was foreordained,

and what happens to a person was also foreknown.

It is useless for him to argue with God about his fate

because God is more powerful than he is.

Ecclesiastes 7:2

7:2 It is better to go to a funeral

than a feast.

For death is the destiny of every person,

and the living should take this to heart.

Ecclesiastes 7:12

7:12 For wisdom provides protection,

just as money provides protection.

But the advantage of knowledge is this:

Wisdom preserves the life of its owner.

Ecclesiastes 7:14

7:14 In times of prosperity be joyful,

but in times of adversity consider this:

God has made one as well as the other,

so that no one can discover what the future holds.

Ecclesiastes 8:16

Limitations of Human Wisdom

8:16 When I tried to gain wisdom

and to observe the activity on earth –

even though it prevents anyone from sleeping day or night –

Ecclesiastes 10:10

10:10 If an iron axhead is blunt and a workman does not sharpen its edge,

he must exert a great deal of effort;

so wisdom has the advantage of giving success.

Ecclesiastes 12:12

Concluding Exhortation: Fear God and Obey His Commands!

12:12 Be warned, my son, of anything in addition to them.

There is no end to the making of many books,

and much study is exhausting to the body.