1:13 I decided to carefully and thoroughly examine
all that has been accomplished on earth.
I concluded: God has given people a burdensome task
that keeps them occupied.
3:13 and also that everyone should eat and drink, and find enjoyment in all his toil,
for these things are a gift from God.
3:15 Whatever exists now has already been, and whatever will be has already been;
for God will seek to do again what has occurred in the past.
3:18 I also thought to myself, “It is for the sake of people,
so God can clearly show them that they are like animals.
5:20 For he does not think much about the fleeting days of his life
because God keeps him preoccupied with the joy he derives from his activity.
7:18 It is best to take hold of one warning without letting go of the other warning;
for the one who fears God will follow both warnings.
8:13 But it will not go well with the wicked,
nor will they prolong their days like a shadow,
because they do not stand in fear before God.
9:7 Go, eat your food with joy,
and drink your wine with a happy heart,
because God has already approved your works.
12:7 and the dust returns to the earth as it was,
and the life’s breath returns to God who gave it.
12:13 Having heard everything, I have reached this conclusion:
Fear God and keep his commandments,
because this is the whole duty of man.