Deuteronomy 3:19

3:19 But your wives, children, and livestock (of which I know you have many) may remain in the cities I have given you.

Deuteronomy 4:33

4:33 Have a people ever heard the voice of God speaking from the middle of fire, as you yourselves have, and lived to tell about it?

Deuteronomy 8:13

8:13 when your cattle and flocks increase, when you have plenty of silver and gold, and when you have abundance of everything,

Deuteronomy 23:23

23:23 Whatever you vow, you must be careful to do what you have promised, such as what you have vowed to the Lord your God as a freewill offering.

Deuteronomy 29:5

29:5 I have led you through the desert for forty years. Your clothing has not worn out nor have your sandals deteriorated.

Deuteronomy 32:5

32:5 His people have been unfaithful to him;

they have not acted like his children – this is their sin.

They are a perverse and deceitful generation.