Deuteronomy 11:19

11:19 Teach them to your children and speak of them as you sit in your house, as you walk along the road, as you lie down, and as you get up.

Deuteronomy 14:28

14:28 At the end of every three years you must bring all the tithe of your produce, in that very year, and you must store it up in your villages.

Deuteronomy 22:1

Laws Concerning Preservation of Life

22:1 When you see your neighbor’s ox or sheep going astray, do not ignore it; you must return it without fail to your neighbor.

Deuteronomy 22:8

22:8 If you build a new house, you must construct a guard rail around your roof to avoid being culpable in the event someone should fall from it.

Deuteronomy 23:13

23:13 You must have a spade among your other equipment and when you relieve yourself outside you must dig a hole with the spade and then turn and cover your excrement.

Deuteronomy 28:40

28:40 You will have olive trees throughout your territory but you will not anoint yourself with olive oil, because the olives will drop off the trees while still unripe.

Deuteronomy 32:47

32:47 For this is no idle word for you – it is your life! By this word you will live a long time in the land you are about to cross the Jordan to possess.”