Deuteronomy 1:11

1:11 Indeed, may the Lord, the God of your ancestors, make you a thousand times more numerous than you are now, blessing you just as he said he would!

Deuteronomy 1:30

1:30 The Lord your God is about to go ahead of you; he will fight for you, just as you saw him do in Egypt

Deuteronomy 2:28

2:28 Sell me food for cash so that I can eat and sell me water to drink. Just allow me to go through on foot,

Deuteronomy 3:6

3:6 We put all of these under divine judgment just as we had done to King Sihon of Heshbon – every occupied city, including women and children.

Deuteronomy 4:8

4:8 And what other great nation has statutes and ordinances as just as this whole law that I am about to share with you today?

Deuteronomy 8:20

8:20 Just like the nations the Lord is about to destroy from your sight, so he will do to you because you would not obey him.

Deuteronomy 10:5

10:5 Then I turned, went down the mountain, and placed the tablets into the ark I had made – they are still there, just as the Lord commanded me.

Deuteronomy 10:9

10:9 Therefore Levi has no allotment or inheritance among his brothers; the Lord is his inheritance just as the Lord your God told him.

Deuteronomy 15:22

15:22 You may eat it in your villages, whether you are ritually impure or clean, just as you would eat a gazelle or an ibex.

Deuteronomy 17:10

17:10 You must then do as they have determined at that place the Lord chooses. Be careful to do just as you are taught.

Deuteronomy 18:2

18:2 They will have no inheritance in the midst of their fellow Israelites; the Lord alone is their inheritance, just as he had told them.

Deuteronomy 20:17

20:17 Instead you must utterly annihilate them – the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites – just as the Lord your God has commanded you,

Deuteronomy 28:9

28:9 The Lord will designate you as his holy people just as he promised you, if you keep his commandments and obey him.

Deuteronomy 30:2

30:2 Then if you and your descendants turn to the Lord your God and obey him with your whole mind and being just as I am commanding you today,

Deuteronomy 31:4

31:4 The Lord will do to them just what he did to Sihon and Og, the Amorite kings, and to their land, which he destroyed.

Deuteronomy 32:4

32:4 As for the Rock, his work is perfect,

for all his ways are just.

He is a reliable God who is never unjust,

he is fair and upright.

Deuteronomy 32:50

32:50 You will die on the mountain that you ascend and join your deceased ancestors, just as Aaron your brother died on Mount Hor and joined his deceased ancestors,