Daniel 2:30

2:30 As for me, this mystery was revealed to me not because I possess more wisdom than any other living person, but so that the king may understand the interpretation and comprehend the thoughts of your mind.

Daniel 4:35

4:35 All the inhabitants of the earth are regarded as nothing.

He does as he wishes with the army of heaven

and with those who inhabit the earth.

No one slaps his hand

and says to him, ‘What have you done?’

Daniel 7:27

7:27 Then the kingdom, authority,

and greatness of the kingdoms under all of heaven

will be delivered to the people of the holy ones of the Most High.

His kingdom is an eternal kingdom;

all authorities will serve him and obey him.’

Daniel 9:2

9:2 in the first year of his reign I, Daniel, came to understand from the sacred books that, according to the word of the LORD disclosed to the prophet Jeremiah, the years for the fulfilling of the desolation of Jerusalem were seventy in number.

Daniel 11:28

11:28 Then the king of the north will return to his own land with much property. His mind will be set against the holy covenant. He will take action, and then return to his own land.