Daniel 1:9

1:9 Then God made the overseer of the court officials sympathetic to Daniel.

Daniel 1:21

1:21 Now Daniel lived on until the first year of Cyrus the king.

Daniel 6:28

6:28 So this Daniel prospered during the reign of Darius and the reign of Cyrus the Persian.

Daniel 10:2

10:2 In those days I, Daniel, was mourning for three whole weeks.

Daniel 12:5

12:5 I, Daniel, watched as two others stood there, one on each side of the river.

Daniel 2:49

2:49 And at Daniel’s request, the king appointed Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego over the administration of the province of Babylon. Daniel himself served in the king’s court.

Daniel 5:12

5:12 Thus there was found in this man Daniel, whom the king renamed Belteshazzar, an extraordinary spirit, knowledge, and skill to interpret dreams, solve riddles, and decipher knotty problems. Now summon Daniel, and he will disclose the interpretation.”

Daniel 6:16

6:16 So the king gave the order, and Daniel was brought and thrown into a den of lions. The king consoled Daniel by saying, “Your God whom you continually serve will rescue you!”

Daniel 6:20

6:20 As he approached the den, he called out to Daniel in a worried voice, “Daniel, servant of the living God, was your God whom you continually serve able to rescue you from the lions?”

Daniel 6:23

6:23 Then the king was delighted and gave an order to haul Daniel up from the den. So Daniel was hauled up out of the den. He had no injury of any kind, because he had trusted in his God.