Amos 3:1-2

Every Effect has its Cause

3:1 Listen, you Israelites, to this message which the Lord is proclaiming against you! This message is for the entire clan I brought up from the land of Egypt: 3:2 “I have chosen you alone from all the clans of the earth. Therefore I will punish you for all your sins.”

Amos 4:3

4:3 Each of you will go straight through the gaps in the walls;

you will be thrown out toward Harmon.”

The Lord is speaking!

Amos 4:12

4:12 “Therefore this is what I will do to you, Israel.

Because I will do this to you,

prepare to meet your God, Israel!

Amos 5:25

5:25 You did not bring me sacrifices and grain offerings during the forty years you spent in the wilderness, family of Israel.