Amos 1:8

1:8 I will remove the ruler from Ashdod,

the one who holds the royal scepter from Ashkelon.

I will strike Ekron with my hand;

the rest of the Philistines will also die.”

The sovereign Lord has spoken!

Amos 4:2

4:2 The sovereign Lord confirms this oath by his own holy character:

“Certainly the time is approaching

when you will be carried away in baskets,

every last one of you in fishermen’s pots.

Amos 7:2

7:2 When they had completely consumed the earth’s vegetation, I said,

“Sovereign Lord, forgive Israel!

How can Jacob survive?

He is too weak!”

Amos 7:5

7:5 I said, “Sovereign Lord, stop!

How can Jacob survive?

He is too weak!”

Amos 8:3

8:3 The women singing in the temple will wail in that day.”

The sovereign Lord is speaking.

“There will be many corpses littered everywhere! Be quiet!”

Amos 8:9

8:9 In that day,” says the sovereign Lord, “I will make the sun set at noon,

and make the earth dark in the middle of the day.

Amos 8:11

8:11 Be certain of this, the time is coming,” says the sovereign Lord,

“when I will send a famine through the land –

not a shortage of food or water

but an end to divine revelation!

Amos 9:8

9:8 Look, the sovereign Lord is watching the sinful nation,

and I will destroy it from the face of the earth.

But I will not completely destroy the family of Jacob,” says the Lord.