Amos 1:13

1:13 This is what the Lord says:

“Because the Ammonites have committed three crimes –

make that four! – I will not revoke my decree of judgment.

They ripped open Gilead’s pregnant women

so they could expand their territory.

Amos 2:8

2:8 They stretch out on clothing seized as collateral;

they do so right beside every altar!

They drink wine bought with the fines they have levied;

they do so right in the temple of their God!

Amos 5:15

5:15 Hate what is wrong, love what is right!

Promote justice at the city gate!

Maybe the Lord, the God who commands armies, will have mercy on those who are left from Joseph.

Amos 6:12

6:12 Can horses run on rocky cliffs?

Can one plow the sea with oxen?

Yet you have turned justice into a poisonous plant,

and the fruit of righteous actions into a bitter plant.