Amos 1:13-14

1:13 This is what the Lord says:

“Because the Ammonites have committed three crimes –

make that four! – I will not revoke my decree of judgment.

They ripped open Gilead’s pregnant women

so they could expand their territory.

1:14 So I will set fire to Rabbah’s city wall;

fire will consume her fortresses.

War cries will be heard on the day of battle;

a strong gale will blow on the day of the windstorm.

Amos 2:2

2:2 So I will set Moab on fire,

and it will consume Kerioth’s fortresses.

Moab will perish in the heat of battle

amid war cries and the blaring of the ram’s horn.

Amos 5:6

5:6 Seek the Lord so you can live!

Otherwise he will break out like fire against Joseph’s family;

the fire will consume

and no one will be able to quench it and save Bethel.