Amos 1:11

1:11 This is what the Lord says:

“Because Edom has committed three crimes –

make that four! – I will not revoke my decree of judgment.

He chased his brother with a sword;

he wiped out his allies.

In his anger he tore them apart without stopping to rest;

in his fury he relentlessly attacked them.

Amos 4:10

4:10 “I sent against you a plague like one of the Egyptian plagues.

I killed your young men with the sword,

along with the horses you had captured.

I made the stench from the corpses rise up into your nostrils.

Still you did not come back to me.”

The Lord is speaking!

Amos 9:1

9:1 I saw the sovereign One standing by the altar and he said, “Strike the tops of the support pillars, so the thresholds shake!

Knock them down on the heads of all the people,

and I will kill the survivors with the sword.

No one will be able to run away;

no one will be able to escape.