2 Samuel 7:24

7:24 You made Israel your very own people for all time. You, O Lord, became their God.

2 Samuel 7:26

7:26 so you may gain lasting fame, as people say, ‘The Lord of hosts is God over Israel!’ The dynasty of your servant David will be established before you,

2 Samuel 10:12

10:12 Be strong! Let’s fight bravely for the sake of our people and the cities of our God! The Lord will do what he decides is best!”

2 Samuel 12:7

12:7 Nathan said to David, “You are that man! This is what the Lord God of Israel says: ‘I chose you to be king over Israel and I rescued you from the hand of Saul.

2 Samuel 14:16

14:16 Yes! The king may listen and deliver his female servant from the hand of the man who seeks to remove both me and my son from the inheritance God has given us!’

2 Samuel 22:7

22:7 In my distress I called to the Lord;

I called to my God.

From his heavenly temple he heard my voice;

he listened to my cry for help.

2 Samuel 22:31

22:31 The one true God acts in a faithful manner;

the Lord’s promise is reliable;

he is a shield to all who take shelter in him.

2 Samuel 24:23

24:23 I, the servant of my lord the king, give it all to the king!” Araunah also told the king, “May the Lord your God show you favor!”