2 Samuel 1:11

1:11 David then grabbed his own clothes and tore them, as did all the men who were with him.

2 Samuel 3:2

3:2 Now sons were born to David in Hebron. His firstborn was Amnon, born to Ahinoam the Jezreelite.

2 Samuel 10:10

10:10 He put his brother Abishai in charge of the rest of the army and they were deployed against the Ammonites.

2 Samuel 16:14

16:14 The king and all the people who were with him arrived exhausted at their destination, where David refreshed himself.

2 Samuel 22:18

22:18 He rescued me from my strong enemy,

from those who hate me,

for they were too strong for me.

2 Samuel 23:22

23:22 Such were the exploits of Benaiah son of Jehoida, who gained fame among the three elite warriors.

2 Samuel 23:24

23:24 Included with the thirty were the following: Asahel the brother of Joab, Elhanan son of Dodo from Bethlehem,