2 Kings 4:9

4:9 She said to her husband, “Look, I’m sure that the man who regularly passes through here is a very special prophet.

2 Kings 8:22

8:22 So Edom has remained free from Judah’s control to this very day. At that same time Libnah also rebelled.

2 Kings 10:27

10:27 They demolished the sacred pillar of Baal and the temple of Baal; it is used as a latrine to this very day.

2 Kings 14:7

14:7 He defeated 10,000 Edomites in the Salt Valley; he captured Sela in battle and renamed it Joktheel, a name it has retained to this very day.

2 Kings 16:6

16:6 (At that time King Rezin of Syria recovered Elat for Syria; he drove the Judahites from there. Syrians arrived in Elat and live there to this very day.)

2 Kings 20:18

20:18 ‘Some of your very own descendants whom you father will be taken away and will be made eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon.’”

2 Kings 21:15

21:15 because they have done evil in my sight and have angered me from the time their ancestors left Egypt right up to this very day!’”