2 Kings 2:18

2:18 When they came back, Elisha was staying in Jericho. He said to them, “Didn’t I tell you, ‘Don’t go’?”

2 Kings 4:9

4:9 She said to her husband, “Look, I’m sure that the man who regularly passes through here is a very special prophet.

2 Kings 4:14

4:14 So he asked Gehazi, “What can I do for her?” Gehazi replied, “She has no son, and her husband is old.”

2 Kings 4:22

4:22 She called to her husband, “Send me one of the servants and one of the donkeys, so I can go see the prophet quickly and then return.”

2 Kings 6:13

6:13 The king ordered, “Go, find out where he is, so I can send some men to capture him.” The king was told, “He is in Dothan.”

2 Kings 9:8

9:8 Ahab’s entire family will die. I will cut off every last male belonging to Ahab in Israel, including even the weak and incapacitated.

2 Kings 10:16

10:16 Jehu said, “Come with me and see how zealous I am for the Lord’s cause.” So he took him along in his chariot.

2 Kings 18:23

18:23 Now make a deal with my master the king of Assyria, and I will give you two thousand horses, provided you can find enough riders for them.

2 Kings 19:20

19:20 Isaiah son of Amoz sent this message to Hezekiah: “This is what the Lord God of Israel says: ‘I have heard your prayer concerning King Sennacherib of Assyria.

2 Kings 19:34

19:34 I will shield this city and rescue it for the sake of my reputation and because of my promise to David my servant.’”

2 Kings 20:15

20:15 Isaiah asked, “What have they seen in your palace?” Hezekiah replied, “They have seen everything in my palace. I showed them everything in my treasuries.”

2 Kings 21:14

21:14 I will abandon this last remaining tribe among my people and hand them over to their enemies; they will be plundered and robbed by all their enemies,