2 Chronicles 4:19

4:19 Solomon also made these items for God’s temple: the gold altar, the tables on which the Bread of the Presence was kept,

2 Chronicles 8:9-10

8:9 Solomon did not assign Israelites to these work crews; the Israelites served as his soldiers, officers, charioteers, and commanders of his chariot forces. 8:10 These men worked for Solomon as supervisors; there were a total of 250 of them who were in charge of the people.

2 Chronicles 10:7

10:7 They said to him, “If you are fair to these people, grant their request, and are cordial to them, they will be your servants from this time forward.”

2 Chronicles 10:9

10:9 He asked them, “How do you advise me to respond to these people who said to me, ‘Lessen the demands your father placed on us’?”

2 Chronicles 13:19

13:19 Abijah chased Jeroboam; he seized from him these cities: Bethel and its surrounding towns, Jeshanah and its surrounding towns, and Ephron and its surrounding towns.

2 Chronicles 17:14

17:14 These were their divisions by families:

There were a thousand officers from Judah. Adnah the commander led 300,000 skilled warriors,

2 Chronicles 18:10

18:10 Zedekiah son of Kenaanah made iron horns and said, “This is what the Lord says, ‘With these you will gore Syria until they are destroyed!’”

2 Chronicles 18:22

18:22 So now, look, the Lord has placed a lying spirit in the mouths of all these prophets of yours; but the Lord has decreed disaster for you.”

2 Chronicles 21:2

Jehoram’s Reign

21:2 His brothers, Jehoshaphat’s sons, were Azariah, Jechiel, Zechariah, Azariahu, Michael, and Shephatiah. All of these were sons of King Jehoshaphat of Israel.

2 Chronicles 32:1

Sennacherib Invades Judah

32:1 After these faithful deeds were accomplished, King Sennacherib of Assyria invaded Judah. He besieged the fortified cities, intending to seize them.

2 Chronicles 32:14

32:14 Who among all the gods of these nations whom my predecessors annihilated was able to rescue his people from my power?