2 Chronicles 3:10

3:10 In the most holy place he made two images of cherubim and plated them with gold.

2 Chronicles 4:1

4:1 He made a bronze altar, 30 feet long, 30 feet wide, and 15 feet high.

2 Chronicles 4:18

4:18 Solomon made so many of these items they did not weigh the bronze.

2 Chronicles 8:5

8:5 He made upper Beth Horon and lower Beth Horon fortified cities with walls and barred gates,

2 Chronicles 9:17

9:17 The king made a large throne decorated with ivory and overlaid it with pure gold.

2 Chronicles 18:1

Jehoshaphat Allies with Ahab

18:1 Jehoshaphat was very wealthy and greatly respected. He made an alliance by marriage with Ahab,

2 Chronicles 20:30

20:30 Jehoshaphat’s kingdom enjoyed peace; his God made him secure on every side.

2 Chronicles 20:35

20:35 Later King Jehoshaphat of Judah made an alliance with King Ahaziah of Israel, who did evil.