2 Chronicles 2:11

2:11 King Huram of Tyre sent this letter to Solomon: “Because the Lord loves his people, he has made you their king.”

2 Chronicles 6:4

6:4 He said, “The Lord God of Israel is worthy of praise because he has fulfilled what he promised my father David.

2 Chronicles 13:5

13:5 Don’t you realize that the Lord God of Israel has given David and his dynasty lasting dominion over Israel by a formal agreement?

2 Chronicles 18:27

18:27 Micaiah said, “If you really do return safely, then the Lord has not spoken through me!” Then he added, “Take note, all you people.”

2 Chronicles 29:11

29:11 My sons, do not be negligent now, for the Lord has chosen you to serve in his presence and offer sacrifices.”

2 Chronicles 30:19

30:19 everyone who has determined to follow God, the Lord God of his ancestors, even if he is not ceremonially clean according to the standards of the temple.”

2 Chronicles 34:18

34:18 Then Shaphan the scribe told the king, “Hilkiah the priest has given me a scroll.” Shaphan read it out loud before the king.