2 Chronicles 12:12

12:12 So when Rehoboam humbled himself, the Lord relented from his anger and did not annihilate him; Judah experienced some good things.

2 Chronicles 13:13

13:13 Now Jeroboam had sent some men to ambush the Judahite army from behind. The main army was in front of the Judahite army; the ambushers were behind it.

2 Chronicles 15:11

15:11 At that time they sacrificed to the Lord some of the plunder they had brought back, including 700 head of cattle and 7,000 sheep.

2 Chronicles 16:10

16:10 Asa was so angry at the prophet, he put him in jail. Asa also oppressed some of the people at that time.

2 Chronicles 17:11

17:11 Some of the Philistines brought Jehoshaphat tribute, including a load of silver. The Arabs brought him 7,700 rams and 7,700 goats from their flocks.

2 Chronicles 19:3

19:3 Nevertheless you have done some good things; you removed the Asherah poles from the land and you were determined to follow the Lord.”

2 Chronicles 19:8

19:8 In Jerusalem Jehoshaphat appointed some Levites, priests, and Israelite family leaders to judge on behalf of the Lord and to settle disputes among the residents of Jerusalem.

2 Chronicles 21:4

21:4 Jehoram took control of his father’s kingdom and became powerful. Then he killed all his brothers, as well as some of the officials of Israel.

2 Chronicles 36:7

36:7 Nebuchadnezzar took some of the items in the Lord’s temple to Babylon and put them in his palace there.