2 Chronicles 1:7

1:7 That night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, “Tell me what I should give you.”

2 Chronicles 9:23

9:23 All the kings of the earth wanted to visit Solomon to see him display his God-given wisdom.

2 Chronicles 10:8

10:8 But Rehoboam rejected their advice and consulted the young advisers who served him, with whom he had grown up.

2 Chronicles 11:12

11:12 In each city there were shields and spears; he strongly fortified them. Judah and Benjamin belonged to him.

2 Chronicles 11:20

11:20 He later married Maacah the daughter of Absalom. She bore to him Abijah, Attai, Ziza, and Shelomith.

2 Chronicles 11:22

11:22 Rehoboam appointed Abijah son of Maacah as the leader over his brothers, for he intended to name him his successor.

2 Chronicles 12:16

12:16 Then Rehoboam passed away and was buried in the City of David. His son Abijah replaced him as king.

2 Chronicles 13:20

13:20 Jeroboam did not regain power during the reign of Abijah. The Lord struck him down and he died.

2 Chronicles 14:10

14:10 and Asa went out to oppose him. They deployed for battle in the Valley of Zephathah near Mareshah.

2 Chronicles 18:6

18:6 But Jehoshaphat asked, “Is there not a prophet of the Lord still here, that we may ask him?”

2 Chronicles 18:32

18:32 When the chariot commanders realized he was not the king of Israel, they turned away from him.

2 Chronicles 22:3

22:3 He followed in the footsteps of Ahab’s dynasty, for his mother gave him evil advice.

2 Chronicles 22:11

22:11 So Jehoshabeath, the daughter of King Jehoram, took Ahaziah’s son Joash and sneaked him away from the rest of the royal descendants who were to be executed. She hid him and his nurse in the room where the bed covers were stored. So Jehoshabeath the daughter of King Jehoram, wife of Jehoiada the priest and sister of Ahaziah, hid him from Athaliah so she could not execute him.

2 Chronicles 26:7

26:7 God helped him in his campaigns against the Philistines, the Arabs living in Gur Baal, and the Meunites.

2 Chronicles 27:9

27:9 Jotham passed away and was buried in the City of David. His son Ahaz replaced him as king.

2 Chronicles 29:29

29:29 When the sacrifices were completed, the king and all who were with him bowed down and worshiped.

2 Chronicles 32:3

32:3 he consulted with his advisers and military officers about stopping up the springs outside the city, and they supported him.